> 春节2024 > 过年的事怎么写




During the Spring Festival, my family and I have a tradition of making dumplings at midnight on the Eve. It\'s a fun and interactive activity that brings us closer together. We gather around the kitchen table, each taking on a specific role - some kneading the dough, others preparing the filling, and everyone sharing stories and laughter. It\'s a moment of joy and anticipation as we look forward to enjoying the delicious dumplings together.


During the Spring Festival, my family and I engage in various activities to celebrate the holiday. Here are 10 sentences describing what we do:

  1. We go to the market to buy food. (我们去市场买食物。)
  2. I help my parents clean the house. (我帮父母打扫房间。)
  3. On the day before New Year\'s Eve, I put up the couplets. (除夕前一天,我贴春联。)
  4. On New Year\'s Eve, I learn to make dumplings with my mom. (除夕当天,我和妈妈一起学包饺子。)
  5. Afterward, the whole family gathers to watch the Spring Festival Gala. (之后,全家人聚在一起看春晚。)
  6. As midnight approaches, we eagerly await the arrival of the new year. (快到午夜的时候,我们迫不及待地迎接新年的到来。)
  7. We set off fireworks and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits. (我们放烟花和鞭炮来驱赶邪灵。)
  8. We exchange red envelopes with money as a symbol of good luck. (我们互相送红包,象征着好运。)
  9. We visit relatives and friends, exchanging greetings and well-wishes. (我们拜访亲戚和朋友,互相问候祝福。)
  10. We savor traditional New Year dishes, such as fish and dumplings, to symbolize prosperity and reunion. (我们品尝传统的年夜饭,如鱼和饺子,象征着富贵和团圆。)


In my childhood memories, there were many fun moments during the Spring Festival. One particularly amusing memory was when I was playing with a chubby girl who lived across the street. She always had a beaming smile on her face, and whenever she waved at me, I would rush over to see what she wanted. We would often engage in playful activities like chasing each other and playing hide-and-seek. Those moments were filled with innocent joy and laughter, creating unforgettable memories of the festive season.


开头:In the year I turned four, during the Spring Festival, there was one unforgettable event that has remained deeply etched in my memory. Would you like to hear about it? Let me recount it for you!

第二段:In preparation for the Spring Festival, our family had made thorough cleaning arrangements and decorated the house with festive couplets. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and anticipation as we embarked on the auspicious celebration. On New Year\'s Eve, my parents and I gathered in the kitchen to make dumplings together. As we rolled the dough and filled each dumpling, I could feel the warmth and love that infused every handmade creation. It was a moment of togetherness and tradition, embracing the essence of Spring Festival.

结尾:This unforgettable event has left an indelible mark on my heart. Today, as I share it with you, I not only feel a sense of nostalgia but also a profound appreciation for the rich cultural traditions that have shaped my upbringing. The Spring Festival brings not only joy and merriment but also serves as a reminder of the importance of family, unity, and the preservation of our heritage. It is a time to reflect, cherish, and create lasting memories.



  • 在哈尔滨,人们热衷于购买和摆放各种各样的饰品,如灯笼、剪纸和彩灯,以装点节日氛围。大街小巷散发着欢乐和喜庆的气息。
  • 春节期间,哈尔滨会举办盛大的冰雪灯会,吸引了无数游客和当地居民前来观赏。这些华丽的冰雪雕塑以及灯光的璀璨交相辉映,营造出梦幻般的氛围。
  • 人们还喜欢在春节期间品尝特色美食,如锅包肉、鱼胡椒盅和锅巴菜。这些美味佳肴代表着富贵和团圆,让人们在享受美食的同时感受到节日的欢乐。
  • 传统舞龙表演也是哈尔滨春节的一大亮点。龙舞者手持巨大的龙灯,舞动着引人注目的舞姿,给人们带来好运和祝福。












  • 腊月二十三,全家人开始打扫卫生,彻底清除灰尘和杂物。这象征着迎接新的一年,迎接鸿运的到来。
  • 贴春联是春节期间的重要环节。母亲会挑选一些吉利的对联和福字,用红色纸张装饰